Thursday, March 19, 2009


June will be arriving in Leeds anytime now. I hope to catch up with her this evening so watch this space.


Revd. Neal Terry said...

Is that Haleys?

David@Montreal said...

this is a wonderul idea
a chance to keep up with dear Mimi's adventures
thank-you all who are making this possible


Ann said...

Thanks DP - we are waiting for news with bated? or baited? breath.

Doorman-Priest said...

It is Haleys.

Got in to a message on the answerphone. She is here and sounds perky but whan I rang back I got a voicemail message. This could go on indefinately!

Unknown said...

I'll "second" David's comment - Thank you!

Doorman-Priest said...

Had long chat on the phone and agreed I would go to the hotel. At 7.30 June rang to say would I mind not going as jet-lag had set in big time. She intends to do art gallery , museum and city centre walk tomorrow so I hope to catch up tomorrow evening.

Erika Baker said...

Give her our love, DP, I can't wait to meet her weekend after next!

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

...that would be 'bated breath, Ann, short for "abated", as in, "held".


Ann said...

So I thought Scott -- but baited is more like many breaths after travel!!

Anonymous said...

...or like mine at bible study this morning after an even earlier deanery executive board meeting...i mean, i actually tasted a barnyard in there after those over-easy eggs and thick-sliced bacon...
