Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Keeping an eye on Mimi's gov

Just in case Mimi does not find any Louisiana newspapers in the UK - here is an update on the latest about her beloved governor:
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is coming under fire for his frequent trips out of state to attend campaign fundraisers.

Jindal, who was mentioned as a possible Vice-Presidential candidate after less than one term in office, is often seen raising money for the GOP all over the United States.

Those frequents trips have drawn the ire of opponents and supporters.

Read it all here.

hmmm -- maybe he is off with Mimi???


Diane M. Roth said...

so is she there yet?

Ann said...

Maybe DP will let us know.

SCG said...

Hopefully, Grandmere will let us know if she has any Jindal spottings across the pond!

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Jindal might profit from spending some time with Grand'mère, but I doubt Mimi would be so very happy about his company ;=)

Revd. Neal Terry said...

Leeds! She's staying in Leeds! Louisianna newpapers indeed.

Doorman-Priest said...

Just in case Mimi does not find any Louisiana newspapers in the UK
