Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Home!

Thanks be to God, I'm safe at home. Once again, I am a zombie. Tomorrow, I will open up Wounded Bird. Mimi


All is done here --- Go to Wounded Bird to follow the adventures of Grandmere. Comments and blog closed today! Ann


susan s. said...

Glad you made it back safe and sound, Mimi. I can hardly wait to read all about your trip. But take your time getting readjusted to the time before you do too much else!

Doorman-Priest said...

And was it uneventful?

Erika Baker said...

Good to know you're safe and sound!

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Good to hear you are back! Safe and sound!

Counterlight said...

Welcome back! Now, go take a nap and shake off the jet lag.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Mimi. We anxiously await all the stories of your trip. Meanwhile, sleep and reurn to the Louisiana time zone.

Ann said...

YAY --- we missed you and wait eagerly for your reflections and photos. But first -- rest --

Padre Mickey said...

Welcome home, abuelita.

motheramelia said...

Wonderful that you're back.

June Butler said...

Thanks everyone. I may be slow at getting posts up on my blog, because I have a lot to do today.

I slept pretty well last night, about 6 hours of good sleep.

DP, how can I have an event? The English are no longer around to bail me out of my scrapes. However, the scrape involving MadPriest was not my fault, although, I believe he still holds it against me.

My main worry was that I would be picked up and grilled with harsh interrogation techniques due to +Clumber's postings. He's sorry now, or so he says.